For each field, has chosen a selection of modules for you. You can therefore specifically prepare radiological aspects for each medical speciality.

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Read all about the different types of fractures and how they should be described. This is an important module that forms the basis for assessing all types of X-rays.
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Important questions such as WHICH radiological examination is most suitable? and WHAT information should I write down on an application form? These items will be discussed in this module.
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What do you know about the dangers of (ionizing) radiation caused radiological examinations? This module contains practical information about ionizing radiation produced by X-ray and CT examinations.
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Learn the basics of MRI. Don't worry! This difficult subject is presented in an understandable and accessible way.
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What is nuclear medicine exactly and what is it used for? Read everything about the underlying physics and the most common performed nuclear medicine examinations.
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How is an ultrasound image created? And what are the possibilities and limitations? Read all about the basic technique of ultrasound examinations.
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Read all about the basics of the X-ray and CT technique. Topics such as X-ray densities, Hounsfield Units and contrast media are discussed.
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