CT abdomen general
The general principles of the CT abdomen examination.

CT Abdomen General - Introduction
The CT abdomen examination is indispensable in clinical practice. In this lecture, the most important aspects and practical information about this frequently conducted examination are given.
Special attention is given to the different types of contrast examinations and examples of common abdominal pathology.
Prior to this module, it is wise to read the X-ray/CT Technique module.
This module consists of the components indication/technique, normal anatomy, checklist and pathology (the organs are divided over multiple chapters)
- Contrast examinations
- Scan phases
- Cirrhotic liver
- Benign / malignant liver lesions
- Hypovascular / hypervascular metastases
- Pancreatitis
- Pancreas lesions
- Splenomegaly
- Splenic infarction
- Splenic laceration
- Kidney lesions
- Abdominal aneurysm
- Diverticulitis
- Appendicitis
- Ileus
- Intestinal perforation
- Intestinal ischemia

Learn everything about CT abdomen general
drs. A. van der Plas (MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+)
With special thanks to:
drs. J. Verdult (abdominal radiologist Amphia Hospital)
drs. A. van der Plas (MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+)
- N.C. Dalrymple et al. Problem Solving in Abdominal Imaging (2009)
- M. Prokop; Spiral and Multislice Computed Tomography of the body (2003)
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