CT brain hemorrhage
The basic principles of the CT brain examination, focused on intracerebral hemorrhage.

CT Brain Hemorrhage - Introduction
Read all about the different types of intracerebral hemorrhage on a CT examination. Herewith the basic brain anatomy is being discussed.
Some of the key topics are subarachnoid hemorrhage, subdural/epidural hemorrhage and parenchymal hemorrhage.
Prior to this module, it is wise to read the X-ray/CT Technique module.
This module consists of the components indication/technique, normal anatomy, checklist and pathology.
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Subdural hematoma
- Epidural hematoma
- Intracerebral hemorrhage
- Cerebral herniation
- Hydrocephalus

Learn everything about CT brain hemorrhage
Text & Illustrations
drs. A. van der Plas, MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+
- D. M. Yousem et al; The Requisites – Neuroradiology (2010)
- J. B. M. Kuks,J.W. Snoek; Klinische neurologie (2007)
- M. Schünke, E.Schulte, U.Schumacher; Anatomische atlas Prometheus: Hoofd, hals en neuroanatomie (2007)
- A.D. Perron et al; A multicenter study to improve emergency medicine residents’ recognition of intracranial emergencies on computed tomography. Ann Emerg Med. 1998.
- M. Prokop et al; Spiral and Multislice Computed Tomography of the body (2003)
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