CT sinus
The basic principles of the CT sinus examination.

CT Sinus - Introduction
A CT scan of the nose and paranasal sinuses is the preferred radiological examination to visualize inflammatory pathologies and bony abnormalities. Interpreting CT images of this area can initially be challenging. This practical module is specifically designed to assist with a systematic assessment of CT sinus exams. The comprehensive material is relevant for medical students and resident doctors specializing in ENT.
Normal anatomy and common pathologies are covered extensively (see Fig. 1). Besides identifying normal anatomy, the module emphasizes recognizing clinically relevant anatomical variations that impact preoperative decision-making in endoscopic sinus surgery. The relationship with relevant vascular and neurological anatomical structures and a preoperative CT checklist for this surgery are discussed.
In short, this informative and practical module translates radiological findings into clinical ENT practice.
- Nasal Physiology: Drainage and Ventilation
- Cribriform Plate
- Fossa Olfactoria (Keros Classification)
- Nasal Septum Deviation
- Nasal Conchae
- Inferior/Middle/Superior Meatus
- Concha Bullosa
- Paranasal Sinuses: Maxillary/Ethmoidal/Sphenoidal/Frontal Sinuses
- Uncinate Process (Stammberger Classification)
- Drainage Pathways of the Sinuses
- Lamina Papyracea, Olfactory Nerve, Anterior Ethmoidal Artery
- Ethmoidal Bulla, Agger Nasi Cell, Onodi Cell, Haller Cell, Frontal Cells
- Supraorbital Ethmoidal Cell
- Frontal Recess
- Osteomeatal Complex (OMC)
- Spheno-Ethmoidal Recess
- Sinusitis: Air-Fluid Levels, Hyperostosis
- Complications of Sinusitis (Local, Orbital, Intracranial)
- Nasal Polyposis
- Antrochoanal Polyp
- Retention Cyst, Mucocele
- Empty Nose Syndrome, Atrophic Rhinitis
- Tumors (Osteoma, Inverted Papilloma, Fibrous Dysplasia, Malignancy)
- Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS)
- Draf Classification
- Preoperative Checklist: ‘CLOSE’ Call

Learn everything about CT sinus
Text & Illustrations
Drs. A. van der Plas, MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+
With special thanks to:
Drs. J. van Steekelenburg, ENT specialist, Zuyderland Medisch Centrum
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L. Shankar, K. Evans, M. Hawke, H. Stammberger; An Atlas of Imaging of the Paranasal Sinuses (1994)
(All the work (text, illustrations, visual elements) seen on this website is copyright by Radiology Expert.
It may not be used without written permission of Radiology Expert).