The basic principles about the ankle X-ray examination.

X-Ankle - Introduction
An X-ray of the ankle is a frequently conducted examination and is mainly used for diagnosing a fracture.
Some of the key topics are Weber classification, Lauge-Hansen classification, syndesmosis and talar luxation.
Prior to this module, it is wise to read the Fracture General Principles module.
This module consists of the components indication/technique, normal anatomy, checklist and pathology.
- Syndesmosis
- Weber classification:
- Lauge-Hansen classification
- Maisonneuve fracture
- Calcaneal fracture
- Talar fracture
- Talar luxation
- Osteoarthritis

Learn everything about X-Ankle
Text & Illustrations
drs. A. van der Plas, MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+
- B.J. Manaster et al. The Requisites – Musculoskeletal Imaging (2007).
- N. Raby et al. Accident & Emergency Radiology – A Survival Guide. (2005).
- R.W.Bucholz Rockwood & Green’s Fracturen in Adults. (2006).
- Prof.dr. J.A.N. Verhaar, dr. J.B.A. van Mourik. Orthopedie. (2008).
- Simplified diagnostic algorithm for Lauge-Hansen classification of ankle fractures. Radiographics 2012 Foot Ankle Int. (2012).
- Fractures of the Calcaneus: A Review with Emphasis on CT. Aditya Daftary, MB et al.Radiograpics (2005).
- Correlation between radiological assessment of acute ankle fractures and syndesmotic injury on MRI. J. J. Hermans JJ et al. Skeletal Radiol (2012).
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