The basic principles about the wrist X-ray examination.

Table of contents
The following points may be used as a guide to assess wrist X-rays:
- Has everything been imaged? Clinical suspicion of scaphoid fracture? (scaphoid series!).
- Is there soft tissue swelling?
- General impression of the bone; osteoporosis? Ossal lesions?
- Is there an incongruence of the radiocarpal joint or the DRU joint?
- Check the full length of the cortex. Is there an interruption or asymmetry anywhere?
- Position of the carpal bone; is there an interruption of one of Gilula's arcs? Are the joint spaces evenly distributed between the carpal bones? Are the radius - lunate - capitate - MC III in alignment?
- In the event of fracture: orientation of the fracture line, intra- or extra-articular, extension and position (dislocation/angulation/rotation/shortening)? Classification?
- As needed, calculate radial inclination, radial length and palmar tilt.
- Changes versus previous examinations?
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Literature: sources and author
Text & Illustrations
drs. A. van der Plas (MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+)
Manaster et al. The Requisites – Musculoskeletal Imaging. 2007.
N. Raby et al. Accident & Emergency Radiology – A Survival Guide. 2005.
R.W.Bucholz Rockwood & Green’s Fracturen in Adults. 2006.
Prof.dr. J.A.N. Verhaar, dr. J.B.A. van Mourik. Orthopedie. 2008.
Malik A.K. et al; Scaphoid views: a need for standardisation. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2004.
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