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    Ioniserende Straling

    Praktische informatie over ioniserende straling bij rontgen en CT onderzoeken.

    Ioniserende Straling
    Radiology Expert
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    Door de (mogelijke) negatieve lange termijn effecten van straling dient bij elk onderzoek kritisch gekeken te worden of het onderzoek geïndiceerd is. Belangrijke vragen zijn:

    • Is een röntgenfoto/CT onderzoek de enige methode om de vraagstelling te beantwoorden? Denk bijvoorbeeld aan de alternatieven als echo onderzoek en MRI onderzoek.
    • Heeft het onderzoek behandel consequenties? Veranderd de uitkomst het beleid?


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    Literatuur: bronnen en auteur

    Text & Illustrations

    drs. A. van der Plas, MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+

    • United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation. Sources and effects of ionizing radiation (2008)
    • Bethesda. MD. Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 2009,  NCRP No. 160.
    • Padole A, Ali Khawaja RD et al. CT Radiation Dose and Iterative Reconstruction Techniques. AJR Am J Roentgenol. (2015)
    • Mettler FA Jr, Huda W et al. Effective doses in radiology and diagnostic nuclear medicine: a catalog. Radiology (2008)
    • Brenner DJ, Elliston CD et al. Estimated Risks of Radiation-Induced Fatal Cancer from Pediatric CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol. (2001)
    • M. Prokop; Spiral and Multislice Computed Tomography of the body (2003)
    • Ghiassi-nejadd M, Mortazavi SM et al. Very high background radiation areas of Ramsar Iran: preliminary biological studies. Health Phys. (2002)
    • RIVM – Dossier Stralingsbelasting in Nederland.
    • Rehani MM. Am Confused About the Cancer Risks Associated With CT: How Can We Summarize What Is Currently Known? AJR Am J Roentgenol. (2015)
    • Kleinman PL, Strauss KJ et al. Patient Size Measured on CT Images as a Function of Age at a Tertiary Care Children’s Hospital. AJR Am J Roentgenol. (2010)
    • Gezondheidsraad. Risico’s van blootstelling aan ioniserende straling. Den Haag: Gezondheidsraad, 2007 (publicatienr. 2007/03)
    • Aliyu AS, Ramli AT. The world’s high background natural radiation areas (HBNRAs) revisited: A broad overview of the dosimetric, epidemiological and radiobiological issues. Radiation Measurements (2015)
    • Gordic S, Morsbach F et al. Ultralow-dose chest computed tomography for pulmonary nodule detection: first performance evaluation of single energy scanning with spectral shaping. Invest Radiol. (2014)
    • Kleiverda G, van Tienhoven G. Bestraling tijdens de zwangerschap: denk nooit nooit. Ned Tijdschr Oncol (2007)
    • Berlin SC, Weinert DM et al. Successful Dose Reduction Using Reduced Tube Voltage With Hybrid Iterative Reconstruction in Pediatric Abdominal CT. AJR Am J Roentgenol. (2015)
    • Mahesh M. NCRP Report Number 160: its significance to medical imaging. J Am Coll Radiol. (2009)
    • Bethesda, Md. Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (2009)
    • Cira-Bielac O, Rehani MM et al. Risk for radiation-induced cataract for staff in interventional cardiology: is there reason for concern? Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. (2010)
    • Rajabi AB, Noohi F et al. Ionizing Radiation-Induced Cataract in Interventional Cardiology Staff. Res Cardiovasc Med. (2015)


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    It may not be used without written permission of Radiology Expert).