De basis principes van het X-knie onderzoek.

- Algemeen
- Tibiaplateau fractuur
- Patella fractuur
- Fractuur eminentia intercondylaris
- Segond fractuur
- Chronisch: ziekte van Osgood Schlatter
Patella instabiliteit
Osteochondritis dissecans/ osteochondrale laesie
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Literatuur: bronnen en auteur
Text & Illustrations
drs.A. van der Plas, MSK radiologist Maastricht UMC+
- B.J. Manaster et al. The Requisites – Musculoskeletal Imaging. 2007
- N. Raby et al. Accident & Emergency Radiology – A Survival Guide. 2005.
- K.L. Bontrager, J.P. Lampignano. Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy. 2014 (8th edition)
- W. Fischer et al. MRI-essentials.com – An illustrated atlas of orthopedic MRI (2014)
- B. Keegan Markhardt et al.Schatzker Classification of Tibial Plateau Fractures: Use of CT and MR Imaging Improves Assessment; RadioGraphics (2009)
- N. Shabshin et al. MRI criteria for patella alta and baja; Skeletal Radiology (2004)
- Ferris M. Hall, M.D. Radiographic Diagnosis and Accuracy in Knee Joint Effusions; Radiology (1975)
- Duke G. Pao, MD. The Lateral Femoral Notch Sign; Radiology (2001)
- C.J. Gottsegen et al. Avulsion Fractures of the Knee: Imaging Findings and Clinical Significance; RadioGraphics (2008)
- G. Diederichs et al. MR Imaging of Patellar Instability: Injury Patterns and Assessment of Risk Factors; RadioGraphics (2010)
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